Pancake Day Earrings coming
Friday February 21st 8pm GMT
Pancake Day Earrings coming Friday February 21st 8pm GMT
Hello! Welcome to Green Wings Jewellery. My name is Hannah and I am the maker, designer, marketing manager, packager, photographer and whatever else I decide to be that day! My partner is my Creative Director and every idea goes through him, so if you don’t like something… I’d blame him!
I probably started working with polymer clay 10 years ago. But only in the past couple of years has it become somewhat of an obsession. I love being able to try different techniques and every time I sit down at my desk I’m only limited by my abilities; and they are growing every day.
I make earrings for me, and for magpies like me. People who like shiny things and want to add more colour to their life. If that sounds like you, or someone you know, then welcome to my site, I hope you find something you love!